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FReDA ended Wave 1A on 20 September. This is the first half of the survey for the first wave of the research project. The response rate was very good: We received 18,773 completed online questionnaires (CAWI) and 3,234 completed paper questionnaires (PAPI) – a total of 22,007 responses. This is equal to an unadjusted gross response rate of around 82%.
People between the ages of 18 and 49 living in Germany were surveyed. The survey institute infas carried out the survey for the research project.
After W1A began, it was followed by the surveying of the partners of the anchor participants. This ran until the end of the second week in November. We received a total of 7,255 interviews, which includes 4,810 online questionnaires (CAWI) and 2,445 paper questionnaires (PAPI). This puts the unadjusted participation rate at currently around 78%.
The recruitment wave W1R, which FReDA began in April 2021, was already a success: More than 37,600 fully completed interviews were returned. This is equal to an unadjusted response rate of around 35%. Around 30,000 people completed the online interview, which is 27.8% of the people contacted. In addition, around 800 people did not complete all the questions in the online interview, but either began the survey or left questions blank. Approximately 7,600 people completed the paper form of the questionnaire, which is 7% of those contacted.
During the recruitment wave, 70% of the respondents agreed to participate in further surveys and wanted to participate in the FReDA long-term panel study (26,700 panelists).
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