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Starting in 2022, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences will organise the administration of all self-administered surveys for FReDA. This will mark the end of our cooperation with infas Institute for Applied Social Sciences, which successfully carried out the first three partial waves (W1R, W1a and W1b) despite the Corona-related complications.
In addition, when the pairfam sample becomes a part of the FReDA sample in the coming year, the ongoing cooperation between pairfam and Kantar Public will also end.
GESIS will take on all tasks related to the survey process for FReDA. For this purpose, the team in Mannheim will establish the methodological standards. In the event that recruitment surveys are also outsourced to external survey institutes in the future, GESIS will be responsible for the call for bids, selection and methodological coordination with the survey institute. In any case, GESIS will independently conduct the FReDA surveys by means of self-administered mixed-mode surveys.
Included in the tasks that GESIS will take over for the research project are programming the questionnaires, testing the applied instruments, the operational implementation of the survey, and the monitoring, care and support of panel participants. In the final phase of the data collection, GESIS will prepare and document the available data, as well as make them available via the Data Services for the Social Sciences (DSS) and take over user support.
The GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences is the largest infrastructure institute for the social sciences in Europe with over 320 employees. It has many years of experience with renowned survey programmes, like the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS), Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES), European Social Survey (ESS), European Values Study (EVS), German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES), GESIS Panel und Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC).
The methodological expertise about surveys at GESIS ensures that the methodological standards of FReDA correspond to the current state of knowledge and are continuously developed. This ensures the quality of the surveys and guarantees their connectivity.
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