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In the spring of 2021, we published a call for open modules and gave researchers the opportunity to have their own questions included in the context of the FReDA survey. The submission deadline was 30 June 2021 and the response to the call was very positive: In total, 27 proposals were submitted. However, there were only three minutes of survey time available for the proposals in Wave W2b. Therefore, a selection had to be made among the very interesting submissions. We would like to sincerely thank all of the researchers that submitted either full modules or individual questions.
The following modules will be integrated and asked in the fall module of the second FReDA wave (W2b) in 2022:
The newly added questions can then be linked and analysed together with all other information from the existing question catalogue.
FReDA will continue to regularly offer researchers the opportunity to integrate their own questions into the FReDA panel. As soon as new calls for open modules are announced, you can find timely information on our website www.freda-panel.de.
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