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The German Family Panel pairfam (Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynmics) is a multi-disciplinary longitudinal study that researches partnership and family dynamics in Germany.
In 2008, the study began with over 12,000 randomly selected individuals in Germany from the birth cohorts 1971-73, 1981-83, 1991-93 and 2001-03. Since then, pairfam collects annual survey data from these individuals, as well as their partners, parents and children. Thus, pairfam offers a worldwide unique analysis potential regarding the development of partnership and generational relationships in different phases of life. In 2021, the last survey under the project name pairfam was carried out.
Beginning in 2022, the pairfam sample will be part of the FReDA survey. Panel data will continue to be collected and the focus on partnership- and family-related questions remains the same. The multi-actor design focuses on the dyadic survey of partners and ex-partners.
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