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The time has come: As of May 31, 2022, FReDA data from the W1R recruitment wave are available to the scientific community. The data are based on over 37,700 completed interviews collected from April to June 2021. The survey focuses on questions about family and partnership.
The data are available to the research community for scientific and non-commercial purposes and are distributed by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. Access is free of charge.
If you are interested in using the data, you will need to sign a FReDA Data Use Agreement and verify that you belong to the scientific community. After verification of the contract, GESIS will provide you with the data as "scientific use files". The data can also be searched and retrieved via the GESIS Search. If you have any questions regarding data access, please contact dataservices@gesis.org.
In addition, students also have the opportunity to work and research with FReDA data, for example for their theses. They can apply for data access via their advisor. After they have signed a user agreement with GESIS, they will also receive data access to the anonymized dataset published for researchers.
Here we have a brief overview with the most important information for you.
All accompanying documents for the relaese of wave W1R can be found here.
Here you can download the FReDA Data Use Agreement.
Around 108,000 people were contacted for the W1R survey. They were randomly selected from the local registration offices, were between 18 and 49 years old at the time of contact, and resided in Germany. Participants were invited to take part in an online survey (CAWI) and to complete a questionnaire independently. As an alternative, the questionnaire was also available in paper form (PAPI). Approximately 29,800 people completed the online interview, which is 26.3% of the people contacted. Approximately 7,400 people completed the paper questionnaire, or 6.8% of those contacted.
The FReDA W1R questionnaire had a modular structure and included the following topics:
If you have any questions about the content of the FReDA data, please contact our support.freda@gesis.org.
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