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A general problem when collecting survey data is the underrepresentation of migrants. The two-day methods workshop entitled “(Under)Representation of Migrants in Surveys and Panel Studies”, which was organised by FReDA on 31 March and 1 April 2022, therefore attracted considerable interest. Around 100 people from research and policy participated and 20 different research groups and institutes presented their experiences with large population surveys, but also with specific studies about groups with a migration background. The background and approaches of the respective surveys were highlighted, the strategies for a representative participation of the focused population groups were explained, and the implementation successes were discussed.
We recorded the presentations from the workshop, which are available below in German. You can read a summary of the event here.
Discussion in groups and in plenum
Parallel to the presentations and discussions, participants had the opportunity to submit their ideas of the specific challenges and solutions to improve the representation of people with a migration background in surveys. The contributions, questions and impulses were discussed. Here you can see some of the contributions to the whiteboard.
Ausschnitt aus dem virtuellen Whiteboards des Methodenworkshops von FReDA.
The full whiteboard of the method workshop can be downloaded here.
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