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Since May 2022, data from FReDA's W1R recruitment wave have been available to the scientific community for research purposes. The W1R data are based on approximately 37,700 completed interviews collected from April to June 2021. There will be another data release soon, at which time researchers will be able to access the complete dataset from the first wave of FReDA. This will be data from both sub-waves W1a as well as W1b, which were collected from July 7 to September 22, 2021 (wave W1A) and from November 4, 2021 to January 31, 2022 (wave W1B), respectively. The surveys focus on questions about family and partnership.
The data are available to researchers for scientific and non-commercial purposes and are distributed by GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. Access is free of charge. By the way: students also have the opportunity to work and research with FReDA data, for example as part of their thesis. They can apply for data access via their lecturer. After signing a data use contract, GESIS will provide you with the data as "scientific use files".
In this document we have compiled all information on data access in detail.
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