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Lively interest, very exciting presentations and an intensive exchange: the second International FReDA User Conference was a well-attended forum for researchers from a wide range of disciplines who also focus on issues relating to family and partnership, but not only. Around 60 people from universities and colleges, national and international research institutions and socio-demographic survey institutes took the opportunity on 7 and 8 October 2024 in Mannheim to discuss the latest analyses and research findings using data from the FReDA panel or data from the German Family Panel pairfam or the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS), which are now integrated into FReDA.
The programme of the User Conference was extensive: In addition to the keynotes by Prof. Pia Schober on ‘Understanding Presistence and Change in Gender and Relationship Attitudes across Relationship and Family Transitions in Eastern and Western Europe’ and by Prof. Denis Gerstorf on ‘On the Role of Historical Change for Adult Development (in Midlife)’, research papers were presented in five sessions that dealt with family demographic issues on the one hand and reflected on methodological aspects of working with the panel data on the other. In addition, the conference at the GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim was also a good opportunity to establish networks between researchers or to think about future collaborations.
Dr Anna Zamberlan's presentation ‘Understanding infidelity norms: sexual double standard, ingroup bias, or self-serving bias?’ was recognised as a particularly successful paper at the conference. Zamberlan and her research colleagues Dr Christiane Bozoyan and Dr Claudia Schmiedeberg from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich analyse infidelity in partnerships with regard to social norms. In the pairfam surveys, around 24 per cent of interviewees reported their own infidelity, while around 30 to 35 reported their partner's infidelity. Infidelity is therefore a comparatively common phenomenon that is relevant to family sociology. It not only reduces well-being, but also causes suffering and often leads to the dissolution of the relationship. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of infidelity receives little academic attention. In her analysis, Anna Zamberlan also examines the question of whether infidelity is considered acceptable or which circumstances or framework conditions can lead to its acceptance. For this exciting analysis and her convincing presentation, she received a prize of 500 euros, which was donated by the social research institute infas Institute for Applied Social Science.
Dr Anna Zamberlan (centre) is delighted to receive an award for her presentation. Quelle: © FReDA
The next FReDA International User Conference will take place on 20 and 21 October 2025 in Wiesbaden. Please make a note of the date! We will inform you about further details on our website in good time and publish the Call for Abstracts.
You can download the programme of the Second FReDA International User Conference here.
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