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A very informative introduction to scientific work with panel data, lots of background information specifically on FReDA, plus practical analyses and independent hands-on sessions - this year's FReDA Autumn School once again offered all participants a good opportunity to get to know "FReDA - The Family Demographic Panel" in detail and to try out working with the data sets intensively for themselves. More than 20 researchers from all over Germany attended the three-day workshop offered by FReDA together with the Interdisciplinary Public Policy (IPP) research focus at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz from 30 September to 2 October 2024.
On the one hand, fundamental questions such as "Which research questions can be answered with FReDA?", "What types of analyses are possible with the FReDA design?", "How does the data from this panel differ from data from other samples?" or "How (un)complicated is the concrete handling of the data files?" were explained. Presentations by researchers from the FReDA team and lecturers from Mainz University provided exciting input that could be deepened in the subsequent discussion rounds. The workshop also gave participants ample opportunity to work with the datasets themselves and clarify any questions that arose directly. It also became clear what extensive analysis options FReDA offers.
The international field of participants was interdisciplinary: FReDA data is equally exciting for researchers from sociology, psychology, political science and economics. In this context, the workshop also provided an opportunity for interdisciplinary networking.
The programm of the Autumn School 2024 can be found here.
FReDA is an interdisciplinary long-term study on families and partnerships in Germany that surveys people between the ages of 18 and 49 twice a year. The data from the sample is available free of charge to the scientific community for scientific and non-commercial purposes. Further information can be found on the FReDA website.
If you have any questions, please contact the relevant contact address at the Institute of Sociology at Mainz University or at freda@bib.bund.de.
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