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If you teach or conduct research in a social science subject or with social science methods, we would like to invite you to use data and findings from FReDA. On the one hand, our project offers a high-quality data set that is available to researchers free of charge. On the other hand, we are happy to provide you with an easily accessible training dataset for teaching purposes - the FReDA Campus Files - with which your students can easily familiarise themselves with demographic research using real data. In addition, we regularly offer the FReDA Autumn School, a three-day workshop in which doctoral students and postdocs in particular can explore working with our pandemic data in a practical way.
If you are a researcher and would like to use the FReDA data, simply apply for data access at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and conclude a licence agreement. You will then receive full data access to the Scientific Use File. Lecturers can also apply for data access, conclude a licence agreement and then use the datasets in their teaching.
Students also have the opportunity to work and research with FReDA data, for example as part of their final thesis. They can apply for data access via their lecturer. Once they have signed a user agreement with GESIS, they will also receive data access to the anonymised dataset published for researchers.
If you are interested in accessing the FReDA data, please contact: GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences E-mail: support.freda@gesis.org
FReDA offers lecturers an easily accessible exercise dataset especially for teaching purposes. This enables students to learn how to get started in research using real data from a high-quality panel. The FReDA Campus Use Files (CUFs) comprise the 14 waves of the pairfam sample as well as the previously published FReDA waves (W1 and W2). For reasons of data protection and to make the data more manageable, the CUFs only contain selected parts of the samples and variables of the original SUFs.
The Campus Use Files can be requested here.
However, the Campus Use Files are not intended for scientific publications. Researchers who wish to use the FReDA data or pairfam data for scientific publications should refer to the FReDA SUF data (Bujard et al. 2024), which can be requested via GESIS, the contact address can be found two paragraphs above.
"FReDA - The Family Demographic Panel" regularly organises the "FReDA Autumn School" once a year in cooperation with the research focus "Interdisciplinary Public Policy" (IPP) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The three-day workshop takes place in Mainz and is aimed at researchers who would like to work with FReDA data. We will inform you in good time on our website about the registration dates for the FReDA Autumn School 2025.
At the event, researchers from the FReDA project team will provide practical introductions to working with panel data and discuss methodological issues. Participants will have the opportunity to work with the FReDA data themselves in hands-on sessions. Researchers from the project team will be on hand to assist them throughout the workshop. The workshop is aimed at advanced Bachelor's and Master's students, PhD students and postdocs with knowledge of Stata.
The programme of the Autumn School 2024 can be found here.
The annual FReDA Autumn School is an informative introduction to scientific work with panel data, it offers a lot of background information specifically on FReDA, plus practical analyses and independent hands-on sessions - a good opportunity to get to know "FReDA - The Family Demographic Panel" in detail and to try out working with the data sets intensively. Participants will be able to experience for themselves the extensive analysis options that FReDA offers researchers.
FReDA releases the complete dataset from the first wave of the survey. We trace the process of data collection and summarize the most important facts and figures for you.
How are the data collected in FReDA? You can find detailed information on the study’s samples, contents and survey modes here.
Once again, you have the opportunity to have your own questions included in the FReDA sample. Send us your suggestions - the submission deadline is 26 May 2025.
Every three years, FReDA is part of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS). This makes international comparative analyses possible.
FReDA continues the surveys of the pairfam study so that these cohorts can also continue to be analysed.
FReDA also asks the partners of all anchor persons to participate in the study. This makes dyadic analyses possible.
The DFG funding of pairfam has ended as planned. But don't worry if you would like to continue your research with this dataset - the pairfam sample is now part of FReDA and will be continued in this way.
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