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FReDA not only offers information in written form, but also, for example, videos and podcasts for anyone interested in family research. In addition to an entertaining clip about the profile of the research project, you will soon find more informative video reports from selected events and exciting podcasts on family demographic issues.
FReDA delivers high-quality, internationally comparable data.
Our society has become more diverse - FReDA allows for a better understanding of the complexities of families.
There are more than 30 million 18 to 49 year-olds living in Germany right now. FReDA wants to find out more about them.
We also provide news about the FReDA project on Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram and ResearchGate. We report on current research results, new publications, events and much more about our project. If you use Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram or ResearchGate, we welcome new followers.
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FReDA reports on current demographic developments that are in the public interest and analyses their causes and consequences.
In our policy briefs you will find recommendations on socially relevant topics based on the latest research findings.
Scientific publications based on the FReDA surveys.
FReDA has published the data of the first und the second wave! Here you will find all accompaying documents for the release of wave W1R, W1A, W1B, W2A & W2B.
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