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The DFG funding of pairfam has ended as planned. But don't worry if you would like to continue your research with this dataset - the pairfam sample is now part of FReDA and will be continued in this way.
New data: FReDA has published the complete data set of the second survey wave. We summarise the most important information and figures for you.
Data from Europe, Asia and Latin America: The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) provides researchers with a very broad, up-to-date database from around 20 countries and territories. FReDA collected the data for Germany.
people between the ages of 18 and 49
live in Germany. At FReDA we want to find out more about this age group.
In its latest policy brief, FReDA observes a significant increase in loneliness, identifies marked differences between different population groups and registers various "protective and risk factors".
The Minister is delighted "to be the patron of a flagship project in population research". Because "the data is of great value both for science and for political action."
The low participation of people with a low level of education affects all social science surveys. A FReDA workshop looked at the causes and strategies for reducing the education bias.
FReDA is aimed at various target groups: Respondents, researchers, political actors and the interested public are looking for different types of information. We strive to be easily understood by all of them.
took part in the FReDA sub-wave W4A in 2024.
A solid basis for representative analyses.
FReDA's freely accessible data portal allows you to explore the data structure of the panel study in more detail. Get a first impression of FReDA yourself!
What do I need to know about the FReDA-Data?
The first data form are available and can be requested. In our video we explain the most important things about the data.
Demographic development poses major challenges for politics, the economy and society. "With FReDA we can recognise, understand and react to demographic upheavals," says Prof. Dr Marcel Thum.
FReDA is part of the GGS. The Director of the Generations and Gender Programme, Prof. Dr. Anne Gauthier, on the importance of this particular international longitudinal study.
Are you a journalist and need more information? Or are you a study participant and still have questions? Here you will find the contact details of FReDA and the survey institute GESIS.
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